I first experienced the thrill of the written word when my second-grade class began learning about adjectives.
“Adjectives are like adding colors to your words,” my teacher, Mrs. Herr, intoned to the class, before tasking us with writing a story that used ten adjectives. Despite being seven years old and enjoying a very happy and sheltered childhood, I wrote a bizarrely poignant piece from the perspective of a girl visiting the grave of her father, who had died in “the war.” I filled four sheets of wide handwriting paper with vivid descriptions of a solemn cemetery, where the young protagonist realized through her tears that, though her father was dead, he wasn’t truly gone. The last lines read: “Sarah knew that her father would always be with her. Always.”
Mrs. Herr gave me an A and jotted a “Very nice, Cara!” in the bottom corner of the last page in bold red pen. That night, at home, I found my mom reading the story at our kitchen island. I toddled into the room just as she flipped over the last page and said incredulously, “Holy shit.”
That’s when I felt it, and I’ve been chasing that thrill ever since.
Despite my auspicious beginnings, I did not grow up to be the next great American novelist. I do, however, still consider myself a writer and storyteller, with demonstrated writing skills in a variety of industries, including B2B marketing, education, fundraising, and healthcare. My professional background is heavy on public relations, but my favorite thing is telling stories, which is how I approach most of my writing jobs. There’s always a story to be told, whether it’s why a new commercial glasswasher can benefit a family-owned distillery, how an all-girl high school can empower a young student to find her voice, or the impact that a bag of blood can have on the life of a child with leukemia.
What else about me? I’m a lifelong Cincinnatian who prefers Skyline Chili over Gold Star. I am a 2014 graduate of Xavier University with a degree in Public Relations, and earned an MA in Professional Writing from the University of Cincinnati in 2022. I am a voracious reader of memoirs, a two-time National Anthem singer (for the Cincinnati Reds and FC Cincinnati), and a dog mom to two failed service dogs. I love doing live TV interviews but hate having to wake up at 4 AM to do them. I thrive on making new friends and connecting with people—including you! So if you have a need for an experienced writer with a penchant for quoting 30 Rock, give me a shout.